Terms of Use
©“Precipart” is the brand under which a multitude of dedicated professionals in independent affiliated companies throughout the world collaborate to provide design and manufacturing services to select clients. Each affiliate (Precipart Group Ltd., Precipart Group, Inc., Precipart, Precipart Corporation, Precipart Ltd. and Precipart SA) is a separate legal entity, is separately capitalized, has its own corporate governance, is subject to the laws and regulations of the particular country or countries in which it operates, cannot obligate the others, and provides a distinct array of services. When you contract for the provision of services with one of the affiliates, only that affiliate is responsible for the provision of those services and is the only entity with potential liability for any claims that may arise in connection with such services. The use of the word “campus” on this site is meant to describe several Precipart Group independently incorporated business units operating in a close geographical proximity.